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The Role of Dashcams in Proving Fault in Miami Car Accidents

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic and stressful experience. Even minor fender benders can leave victims with injuries and vehicle damage that disrupts their lives. In severe crashes, the physical and emotional toll can be immense. Far too often in Miami and across Florida, innocent victims suffer while the at-fault drivers evade accountability. 

The Soffer Firm has been voted Super Lawyers “Rising Star” and “National Trial Lawyers – Top 40 Under 40” multiple years because of how hard we work for our clients. We don’t get paid unless you get paid, and we have recovered millions for our clients. 

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344

The Value of Video Evidence in Car Accident Claims  

This is where dashcams can make a crucial difference. Equipping your vehicle with a dashcam provides objective video documentation of car crashes. The footage captured can be critical evidence in determining fault and securing a fair settlement. For anyone driving on Miami roads, a dashcam is essential for protecting yourself in the aftermath of an accident.

In this comprehensive guide, our Miami car accident attorneys examine the key benefits dashcams offer:

  • Establishing fault through video evidence 

  • Preventing the other driver from providing false statements

  • Proving injuries and severity of the crash

  • Winning larger settlements for clients  

We will also overview what to look for when purchasing a dashcam, proper installation and usage tips, footage preservation steps following an accident, and how a car accident lawyer can optimize the impact of video evidence through legal advocacy.

In the chaotic moments after two vehicles collide, memories of what occurred can become hazy for those involved. Even when acting in good faith, drivers and passengers may have differing accounts of crucial details based on their vantage points. 

Video evidence offers an impartial record that clarifies the basic facts of any car accident:

  • Which vehicle impacted the other

  • Speeds vehicles were traveling before the impact  

  • Traffic signals, signs, or laws that were violated

  • Avoidance attempts and other driver actions

When this definitive proof is available, car accident lawyers can more effectively demonstrate that the other motorist was at fault and obtain total compensation for injured clients.  

Preventing False Crash Accounts

Unfortunately, some at-fault drivers provide fabricated crash descriptions to shift blame and evade consequences. For example, they may falsely claim:

  • The other car ran a red light or stop sign

  • Your vehicle swerved lanes and caused the collision

  • There was no contact between the vehicles

Without evidence to the contrary, insurance claim adjusters may accept these fictional accounts. But clear dashcam footage cuts through any deception and indisputably captures the events leading up to the crash.

Rather than a “he said, she said” conflicting claims situation, the video details precisely how the collision occurred. Miami car accident attorneys can then use this to establish legal liability.

Proving Crash Severity 

The force at which two vehicles strike considerably impacts the injuries occupants suffer. High-speed crashes or collisions with minimal braking typically cause more harm. 

While accident victims recall the intensity of the impact, this alone isn’t always enough to demonstrate severity. However, dashcam video preserves sights and sounds that reveal critical crash details:

  • The closing speed of vehicles before impact

  • Extent of deformations to vehicles

  • Deployment of airbags

  • Passengers lurching forward on impact 

Miami car accident lawyers analyze these aspects to substantiate that the resulting injuries align with a high-velocity crash. This evidence is instrumental in securing larger financial settlements.

Settlement Impact

Insurers seek to minimize what they pay out to injured claimants. But confronting them with irrefutable dashcam footage that proves their driver’s fault makes it much harder to deny or undervalue claims.

Rather than dispute clear video evidence, reasonable insurers will acknowledge culpability and negotiate fair settlements. This allows car accident victims to avoid prolonged legal disputes and promptly access the compensation they deserve.  

In cases that reach litigation, dashcam evidence plays a similarly vital role. Plaintiff attorneys integrate compelling video into demand packages presented to insurers. During depositions and trials, they also lean heavily on footage details to argue their case to judges and juries.

What to Look For in a Dashcam

While any dashcam is better than none, not all models provide footage substantial enough to influence car accident claims significantly. When selecting a dashcam for your vehicle, prioritize options with these key features:

  • High-Resolution Video: Footage should have at least 1080p resolution with a wide viewing angle to capture all the action.

  • Night Vision Capability: Crashes always happen, so low-light recording performance is essential.

  • Built-In GPS: This automatically imparts vehicle speed, location, g-force, and other data into video files. 

  • Incident Detection: This sensor-driven tech automatically saves extra footage when it detects sudden impacts.

  • Dual Cameras: Choose at least a front camera, with rear cams also proving worthwhile. 

  • Expandable Storage: Look for SD card support, which allows practically unlimited storage capacity.

While more advanced dashcams cost over $200, even budget models with the above specs ($100 or less) provide worthwhile claims evidence. Investing in premium options with added collision sensors and cabin cameras offers further proof of solidification.

Proper Dashcam Installation  

Proper installation is imperative to capitalize on the power of dashcam evidence fully. Key steps motorists should take include:  

  • Place the dashcam near the rearview mirror for optimal visibility out of the windshield. Hardwire it into the electrical system so it turns on and off automatically with the car.

  • Set the camera resolution to max quality 1080p or higher video capture. Wide dynamic range (WDR) further clarifies darks and lights.

  • Configure loop recording duration from 1 to 3 minutes so incident footage length is sufficient. Enable motion detection and impact event modes to auto-capture extra video.  

  • Confirm the dashcam field of view captures the entire windshield width and oncoming traffic. Eliminate obstructions like stickers on the windshield.  

  • Insert high-capacity SD card media for maximum continuous recording abilities before needing to loop over. Perform regular media wipes to clear old non-incident footage.

  • Verify dashcam operation before each trip by checking the video preview screen for active recording and the SD card for adequate free space.  

Following Accidents: Preserving & Enhancing Footage

In the stressful aftermath of a crash, it’s easy to forget key evidence preservation steps. To optimize the value of dashcam video for claims and litigation success:

  1. Carefully remove and protect the dashcam device/media to prevent footage deletion. 

  2. Download original video files to a secure computer and back them on redundant drives and cloud storage. Provide copies to your Miami accident attorney.  

  3. Transcribe descriptive details of what is shown in the video chronologically while memories remain fresh. Note footage timestamps where key events occur.

  4. Seek out external video from nearby security or traffic cameras that may have also captured the crash from additional revealing angles. 

  5. Use video enhancement software to clarify important crash details that are not easily visible. For night vision footage, boost brightness/contrast and slow motion can help reveal critical moments. 

An adept Miami car accident attorney has the technical abilities to enhance dashcam evidence, create compelling visuals, and optimize its presentation before insurers, judges, and juries. This can drastically improve the prospects for fair claim resolutions.

Miami Car Accident Lawyers Maximize Dashcam Impacts 

While dashcam systems empower everyday citizens to safeguard their accident-independent claims interests, retaining legal counsel amplifies effectiveness significantly.

Miami car accident attorneys know Florida car accident laws governing insurance fault determinations, claims procedures, evidence standards, and litigation strategy. They identify the most compelling elements of footage to emphasize when negotiating with insurers. 

Lawyers also request additional discovery evidence based on video details to validate their client’s innocence further. These context-setting investigation efforts might encompass:

  • Retrieving police accident reports  

  • Collecting traffic engineering data about hazards at the crash site 

  • Issuing subpoenas for inspection/maintenance records of vehicles 

  • Interviewing independent eyewitnesses named in video or police reports

Combined with authentic dashcam proof, this supplementary evidence paints an ironclad picture of legal liability. It also substantiates plaintiff attorneys’ crash dynamics and injury causation arguments.  

Through masterful evidence aggregation, savvy negotiations, and litigation skills, the Miami car accident lawyers at The Soffer Firm have a proven history of transforming powerful dashcam footage into 6- and 7-figure client rewards.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Key Details Should I Describe Immediately After A Car Accident If I Have Dashcam Footage? 

As memories fade quickly, write down precise descriptions of what is shown in the video chronologically while still fresh. Take note of footage timestamps where the other vehicle first appears; the crash happens, attempts to brake/steer away, and the aftermath. Also, record surrounding factors like weather, road conditions, traffic flow, and any unusual hazards at the site.   

  1. Should I Inform The Other Driver If I Captured Car Accident Video Footage?

You are not obligated to inform the other motorist of your evidence documentation efforts. Alerting them may prompt false account changes or attempts to dispute clear video proof. Keep such strategic cards close to your chest and let your Miami car accident attorney present footage at the optimal times in claims processes.  

  1. What Steps Should I Avoid That Could Compromise My Dashcam Video Evidence?

Never tamper with original footage by unnecessarily editing, converting file formats, or uploading compressed versions to social media. Also, refrain from displaying anger or admissions of guilt at the scene. Make no statements about the crash to the other driver’s insurer without guidance from legal counsel. 

  1. Can The Dashboard Video Still Prove The Other Driver’s Fault If There Was Minimal Vehicle Damage In My Accident? 

Yes, even minor collisions can inflict significant injuries if occupants are jarred violently. Dashcams clarify crash forces and movements that may appear deceptively gentle. Miami car accident lawyers use biomechanical engineering analysis of video evidence to explain injury causation convincingly from even low property damage crashes.

  1. How Much Does A Dashcam System Capable Of Capturing Adequate Evidence Normally Cost?

While premium options run over $200, even budget dash cams less than $100 can provide worthwhile claims evidence of 1080p video, night vision, GPS, etc. Specs highlighted earlier are present. Invest in the best model you can reasonably afford and ensure proper positioning, settings, and storage management optimize functionality.


In a Miami car accident caused by a negligent driver, injuries and vehicle damage can derail lives. Crash victims often struggle to prove fault against motorists independently, and insurers are determined to shift blame rather than take accountability.  

Equipping your car with an incident-detecting dashcam helps level the legal battlefield by creating objective video documentation of actual collision events. Miami car accident attorneys then strategically apply this evidence to establish liability and maximize compensation for injured clients.  

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344



