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In-Depth Guide to Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit After an Uber Accident in Miami

What To Do If You’re In An Uber Accident In Miami

Rideshare services like Uber and Lyft have become very popular in Miami. But with more rideshare cars on the road, there are also more accidents. If you get hurt in an Uber accident, you may wonder what happens next and what you should do. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to make informed choices.

The Soffer Firm has been voted Super Lawyers “Rising Star” and “National Trial Lawyers – Top 40 Under 40” multiple years because of how hard we work for our clients. We don’t get paid unless you get paid, and we have recovered millions for our clients. 

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344

Understanding Uber Accident Laws In Miami

Miami has unique laws regarding Uber accidents that you should know about. Here are three key things:

1. Uber drivers must carry insurance – Uber provides limited insurance coverage for accidents their drivers cause. Different amounts depend on whether the driver was waiting for a ride request, en route to pick up a passenger, or if a passenger was already in the car.  

2. You can file an injury lawsuit. If an Uber driver caused your accident and injuries, you have the right under Florida personal injury law to take legal action and potentially recover compensation.  


3. There are claim filing deadlines. For a personal injury case in Florida, you typically must file your lawsuit within four years from the accident date. Making an insurance claim can also have shorter deadlines, so it is essential to act fast.

Immediately After The Crash 

If you have been injured in an Uber accident in Miami, start gathering information right away at the scene:

  • Take photos of damage to vehicles, road conditions, and injuries

  • Get contact details and statements from witnesses 

  • Obtain a copy of the police report or request one if officers did not file a report  

  • Keep records of medical treatments for injuries

  • Save communications with Uber about the incident

Having documentation on what happened will help show fault later and back up your legal case.  

Getting Medical Care

Getting prompt medical attention should be your top concern after an accident, even for minor pains. You’ll need proof of injury and records of diagnoses and treatment plans. Delaying could negatively impact your recovery and case value.  

Informing Key Parties  

Be sure to notify Uber and your car insurance provider about the incident immediately. There are often short time limits to make a claim, so quick action is critical. An attorney can help advise you on informing insurance companies about what happened.

Hiring An Uber Accident Attorney   

Speaking with an experienced Uber accident attorney following a car crash injury is highly recommended. Personal injury lawyers regularly handle these cases in Miami and understand how to navigate issues around insurance, liability disputes, claim filing processes, and negotiating fair compensation.

How Can The Right Uber Lawyer Help You?

– Advise on insurance claim rights & assist with paperwork

– Conduct a detailed investigation into accident causes

– Determine all liable parties – it may not be just the Uber driver  

– Calculate damages related to medical treatment, lost income, etc.  

– Negotiate with insurers to demand proper compensation amounts

– Take legal action in court if fair offers are not made  

When researching uber accident lawyers, look for an attorney or firm with extensive experience in Uber and rideshare cases, as the laws involve some complexity. Be sure to understand their fees – most personal injury lawyers work on a “contingency fee” basis, meaning legal fees only come out of any final settlement or award amount. 


Steps To Take Legal Action

If negotiations with insurers are unsuccessful, your attorney may recommend taking legal action by filing a personal injury lawsuit. The typical process includes these steps:

1. Filing a Complaint – This formally starts the court case by detailing what happened in the accident, injuries/damages, and the sought recovery amounts.  

2. Discovery – During this evidence-gathering stage, your lawyer can use tools like requests for documents, depositions, interrogatories, and subpoenas to get information from Uber and other drivers involved. 

3. Negotiating a Settlement – Now having a clearer picture of liability and damages, your attorney may engage in settlement talks. Many cases are resolved through mutually agreed upon settlement agreements before reaching trial.  

4. Going to Trial – If no fair settlement offer is presented, your case will proceed to a personal injury trial by jury. Your attorney presents evidence before a judge to prove the case and recover damages.

What Makes A Strong Case?

Every accident case involves unique facts, but some common helpful elements include:

– Clear evidence the

 Uber drivers were at fault, like eyewitness testimony, video footage, or getting cited by police

– Significant, well-documented injuries like broken bones, hospitalization, ongoing treatments  

– Major losses such as high medical bills, lost wages from missed work, costs from an inability to make regular tasks or loss of quality of life from permanent impairment  

– Lack of complications in your case – for example, being the sole injured claimant versus the Uber driver also making an injury claim against you


Even if liability for the crash seems straightforward, having an attorney build leverage through demand packages and court pressure is often crucial to getting the best possible case results.   

What If I’m Partially At Fault? 

One complexity in Florida is that even if you share some fault for causing the accident, you may recover damages – just in a reduced amount based on the degree of fault. An experienced injury lawyer can help show why the Uber driver bears the most responsibility. So don’t fail to take legal action just because you think you may carry a small portion of the blame. A quality lawyer can help overcome those hurdles.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does hiring an Uber accident attorney cost?

Quality personal injury attorney work on a contingency fee basis, meaning legal fees only come from any final settlement or award. No upfront payments are required. If no recovery is obtained for you in the case, you owe no attorney fees.  

2. I Wasn’t Badly Injured – Can I Still File a Claim? 

Even if injuries seem minor initially, you may face significant medical expenses, lost income, or unforeseen treatments later on. An attorney can help fully evaluate short and long-term accident impacts. So yes, a worthwhile legal claim may exist.

3. Am I Required To Report My Uber Accident to Authorities?  

While technically, you may not have to report to the police, getting law enforcement involved to document what occurred is highly advisable to support your case later. At a minimum, immediately notify Uber and your car insurer about the incident.  

4. Could There be Multiple Liable Insurance Policies?

Yes – there may be coverage under the Uber driver’s car insurance, funds from Uber, and potential coverage under your policy. An experienced attorney can help properly investigate and pursue multiple avenues.

5. Is There a Time Limit to Take Legal Action in Florida?

Yes – under Florida personal injury law, you typically need to file a lawsuit within four years of the accident date, or you may waive rights to compensation. Other shorter insurance claim deadlines can exist, too, so prompt action here is essential.  

Choose Wisely, Get Guidance From A Miami Uber Accident Attorney 

Being injured in an unexpected Uber accident can leave you navigating uncertainty. However, understanding your legal rights in Miami and taking key steps like contacting an attorney set you on the best path toward physical recovery, fair claim resolution, and financial stability. So don’t delay in seeking experienced legal representation. With the proper guidance, you can confidently overcome the challenges ahead.

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344



