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5 Essential Steps to Take After a Slip and Fall Accident at a Florida Amusement Park

Enjoying a day at a Florida amusement park should be fun and safe for the whole family. But accidents sometimes happen, and if you or a loved one gets injured at a park, you may question liability and your legal rights. This article provides an overview of Florida’s “premises liability” law to help you understand what to do if you are injured at an amusement park. We’ll cover:

  • Fundamental legal principles about premise liability 

  • The duty amusement park owners owe to visitors

  • Steps to take if injured at a park 

  • Factors that determine if the park is liable

  • Common causes of amusement park accidents

  • FAQs about Florida premise liability law

Our goal is to educate and equip you with information. Every situation is unique, so if injured, consult a qualified Florida attorney regarding the details of your particular case.

The Soffer Firm has been voted Super Lawyers “Rising Star” and “National Trial Lawyers – Top 40 Under 40” multiple years because of how hard we work for our clients. We don’t get paid unless you get paid, and we have recovered millions for our clients. 

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344

What is Premises Liability? 

Premises liability refers to the responsibility of property owners to maintain safe conditions for visitors. If hazardous conditions exist and result in injury, the property owner may be deemed negligent and held liable in a personal injury lawsuit.

In Florida, amusement park owners are legally responsible for regularly inspecting facilities, promptly fixing dangerous conditions, adequately training and supervising staff, and ensuring rides and attractions operate safely. If they fail in these duties and endanger public safety, they can be considered liable if a guest gets injured.

However, park owners are expected to prevent only some accidents. They need only exercise “reasonable care” to protect visitors. So, premises liability cases come down to two key questions:

  1. Did the park breach its duty of reasonable care? 

  2. Did this failure directly cause the injury or accident?

If both are true, the injured guest has solid grounds for a lawsuit. If doubts exist regarding either factor, the case becomes more challenging to prove.

An Amusement Park’s Duties to Visitors

Florida amusement park laws state owners must make “reasonable inspections” to identify unsafe conditions and promptly fix them. This includes things like:

  • Wet or slippery floors

  • Uneven walking surfaces 

  • Poor lighting

  • Protruding objects 

  • Electrical issues

  • Mechanical problems on rides/attractions

They must also properly hire, train, and supervise staff. This helps ensure employees competently operate rides, respond to emergencies, assist guests, monitor activities, etc.

In addition, amusement parks must establish safety rules and procedures for workers and visitors. This includes height requirements, health warnings, ride admission policies, etc. They must then enforce those rules.

A park must materially meet these duties to maintain safe premises. And if this failure directly results in a guest getting injured, the park may face liability.

What to Do If Injured at an Amusement Park

If you suffer an injury due to an apparent premises liability issue, take these steps:

  • Report the Incident – Alert park authorities immediately so they can prepare an official accident report. Give factual details, including the time, location, potential causes, witnesses’ names, etc. Getting statements from others is also helpful.

  • Seek Medical Care – Even if injuries seem minor, get examined by a doctor promptly. This documents your condition if you need to pursue legal action later. Follow all treatment recommendations closely.

  • Gather Evidence – Take photos/video of hazards that caused the incident, such as spills, protruding objects, damaged handrails, etc. Also, photograph any visible injuries (but seek treatment first). Save medical records and expenses, too. 

  • Consult an Attorney – Contact an experienced Florida premise liability attorney for guidance. They can assess negligence and advise if you have reasonable grounds for a claim. Strict time limits apply, so don’t delay.

Critical Factors in Determining Liability

Several essential factors typically determine if an amusement park is liable for a guest’s injury:

Park’s Compliance with Safety Standards

Industry associations and Florida agencies issue safety guidelines for amusement park rides and operations. Failure to meet these standards can demonstrate negligence.

Employee Conduct 

Improperly trained or supervised staff may mistakenly endanger guests (for example, by improperly securing riders). Their actions often reflect on the park.

Prior Safety Incidents

If dangerous conditions caused recurrent accidents before, it suggests the park knew risks existed but neglected to correct them. 

Park Inspection & Maintenance Records  

These reports reveal what hazards the park identified and what actions they did (or did not) take. They indicate the priority given to safety.

So, in a lawsuit, the victim’s attorney will gather evidence on these and other issues to prove the park’s liability. The park will respond, arguing they exercised reasonable care within industry norms. But victims can still win cases – with help from witnesses, documentation, expert testimony, and a seasoned attorney.

Common Causes of Amusement Park Injuries

While no environment is 100% risk-free, many amusement park injuries result from preventable hazards, like:

  • Improperly Maintained Rides – Mechanical breakdowns, loose/missing parts, etc., can cause serious ride malfunctions. Regular inspections & repairs can identify issues before accidents occur.

  • Poor Ride Design or Operation – Even well-maintained rides can be inherently dangerous if poorly designed or operated. Requiring specialized staff helps prevent problems.

  • Slip & Trip Hazards – Spilled food/drinks, uneven walkways, unsecured mats, etc. are tripping dangers. Good housekeeping and promptly fixing flaws reduce risks.  

  • Lack of Needed Warnings – Failing to post reasonable warning signs about inherent risks (like cautioning pregnant women about certain rides) suggests negligence.

  • Inadequate Staff Training – When employees don’t fully understand safety procedures, don’t enforce rules consistently, or operate rides improperly, accidents can follow. This exposes parks to liability for inadequate training.

  • Poor Emergency Response – Delayed or incompetent medical response after an incident can worsen harm. Proper planning for emergencies can save lives if accidents do occur. 

So, while amusement parks lift our spirits, flaws in safety practices can bring painful, preventable injury. When poor decisions appear to cause accidents, those hurt deserve fair compensation. Premises liability laws exist to promote safer public spaces for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

You likely have many questions if you or a loved one has suffered an amusement park injury due to apparent negligence in Florida. Here are answers to some common concerns:

  1. What Types Of Amusement Park Accidents Are Covered By Florida Premises Liability Law?

The law covers situations where unsafe property conditions or a facility’s failure to use reasonable care results in a guest getting injured or killed. This includes scenarios like slips and falls, injuries on rides due to poor maintenance, food poisoning, drowning in a park’s pool, and some assaults if negligence contributed.

  1. What Damages Can I Recover If I’m Injured At A Florida Amusement Park Due To Negligence?

You may recover medical expenses, lost income, loss of future earnings, pain/suffering costs, out-of-pocket costs, and other accident-related damages. If negligence caused a wrongful death, families can also pursue a claim, including funeral costs.

  1. Is There A Time Limit To File A Lawsuit After An Amusement Park Injury In Florida?

Yes. You usually have four years from the date of injury to file a lawsuit under Florida’s statute of limitations. It’s wise to consult an attorney much sooner – evidence can fade, paperwork gets lost, etc. Immediate action is highly advisable.


  1. Can I Still Pursue A Claim Even If I Was Partially At Fault For The Accident? 

Yes, Florida follows “comparative negligence” rules. So even if you were partially responsible, you can likely still recover damages – your percentage of fault will simply reduce them. An attorney can best advise.

  1. What Evidence Is Most Crucial For Amusement Park Premises Liability Cases?

Key evidence usually includes maintenance & safety records, reports of prior similar incidents, documentation of one’s injuries, witness statements, expert testimony regarding standard safety practices compared with the park’s actions, and more. 

An experienced attorney can gather such evidence and construct a compelling argument regarding negligence under state law. They will also know the settlement values of amusement park injury claims in Florida based on verdicts and negotiations in prior similar cases.

How To Choose The Right Personal Injury Attorney

Amusement park injuries caused by poor maintenance, inadequate staff training or procedures, or other negligence are regrettable events, especially on days meant for family entertainment. Florida premises liability laws offer injured guests fair remedy if park owners fail their legal duties. 

Documenting evidence properly and contacting qualified legal counsel quickly are wise moves. Those hurt through minor faults can pursue a legitimate path to justice with diligent steps. Conditions may also improve in the process, so fewer people get injured.

Our Florida personal injury lawyers help you navigate the complexities of your legal case. Call us today at (786) 788-7344



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